Oreo just loves baths!One time, when I took a shower, he was in the tub, and I didnt know it, when the water came down, he quickly climbed up my bare back with his razor sharp claws! Man, that hurt.
Howdy, Please come in and look around at the luminous and harlarious photos that I, Mr. Photophanatic, had created. I hope you enjoy your visit and make sure you tell your freinds and all about Cozy Corner, there will be hundreds more in the future, please come again and see them, they just might be more luminous and harlarious as the previous ones Sincearly, Mr. Photophanatic
I will never forget you, Precious, you had been my first cat, and you will always be in our family until the end.
A Poem, for Oreo...
Your fur is black, and some white, your head is big, and eyes that glow in the night. You love to play, you love to stratch, sometimes, I wonder, if our personallities ever match. You love to run, you love to hide, you love to eat, you love to stride, you love to sit around, while we all are in the room, you love to get you belly rubbed, and always hoping soon. You love to eat, you love to hunt, you love to sit at the window hedge watching the squreey squirrel, hopping one day, you'll have one for lunch. I thank God, your my cat, because without you, there would be no rug to clean, and since your always shedding, what the heck, just let the whole house be seen! I hope you will last about thirty years, or even more, becuase without you, we'll never get more furniture, becuase their usually torn. Thank You, Oreo, for the joy you have given us all, I hope you know that we'll always take care for you, even if you don't take care of us at all!
Never let your cat get in the tub if your blind, things want look good when you get in and turn on the water...
If you have a inside cat, he'll live longer, plus, your birds and squirrels will too...
If your cat gives you a dead squirrel or bird, don't freak out, it's just his way of giving you a present, and you should also either keep it or frame it in a shadow box!!
Things to do...
Oreo loves to wake us up, every morning when the first person wakes up he follows them to his food bowl, wanting food
Oreo loves to get baths, sometimes I take him in the bathroom and place him in the tub, then when the cold water runs, he jumps out, but if warm water comes out, he stays and lets me wash him
Oreo hates it when a door is closed in our house, either he'll stratch constantly or meow over and over
Oreo loves to sleep on somebody, almost every morning when I wake up either his tail is in my face or his butt
Oreo is always playful around noon, every time I lay on the floor to watch TV with my wife, he climbs over my arm, and then I grasp the back of his neck and spin him over and over on the floor, I been wondering why he walks like he's been drinking
Kitty Memories
(Don't worry, he's still alive!)
I remember when Oreo was sleeping on a pile of clothes, suddenly, I threw a sock on him and he jumped tweleve feet in the air, it was so funny!
I remember when I took a shower and he clawed up my back with his razor sharp claws!
I remember when Oreo got loss one day, he didn't come back until midnight, I stayed up for him, when i was about to fall alseep in front of the TV, I heard a little scratch on the door, he does that everytime he want's back in
I remember the day I got Oreo, we found a add at Krogers one day that told us a bunch of kittens were for sale, free!! It was close by our house, too, there was a lot of cats to choose from, I was going to pick one, it was a girl, but then I saw the most colorful black and white kitten in there, well, I got him instead and named him Oreo.
I remember the day I was laying on the floor, Oreo beside me, he was almost alseep, so, I thought I'll scare him, well, I raised my hand and pounded it on the floor, dang, the next thing I knew Oreo took off like a bullet, he ran into the kitchen, BETWEEN the table chairs, knocked three down, and then ran thirty miles per hours down the hall, and at the end of the hall he slammed on brakes and ran right into his litterbox!
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